
Two of a Kind



The new Pestilence:

A reassuring message from China's Glorious Leader

Winnie the Pooh (aka Xi Jinping) reassures the Chinese people that thanks solely to his strong leadership Covid-19 has been completely eradicated:

recycling manifesto

Some time ago I was invited to be a judge at the "Trash to Fashion" show on Waikeke Island. At the symposium before the show I gave a talk entitled: “FROM BARBIE TO BUDDHA 
or PARADISE REGAINED - HOW RECYCLED ART CAN SAVE THE WORLD” Read the full text at: I have been invited to exhibit at a group assemblage show entitled "Ten Thousand Things" at the Depot Community gallery in Devonport in March 2016 - I will be exhibiting a variety of work including some adbusting and culture jamming images in the form of zines. See videos of my zines on my youtube channel: See my blog on the show at:

the gnp

"We will find neither national purpose nor personal satisfaction in a mere continuation of economic progress, in a endless amassing of worldly goods....The gross national product includes the destruction of the redwoods and the death of Lake Superior".           - Bobby Kennedy

nz 100% pure


captain cook

“Captain Cook - The Coming of the White Man to the South Pacific” This counter cultural image of Captain Cook is in the vein of the biting social, political and historical commentary of traditional pictorial Mexican art. The macabre iconography of the Day of the Dead (skulls, skelletons) presents an opportunity for anti-establishment political and social opinions to be expressed - often via dark, satirical visual humour. Provocative, often burlesque, vibrant graphic and folk art images of animated skeletons and skulls serve to mock politicians, ridicule the wealthy and bourgeois for their excesses and vanity, deride the powerful and corrupt, and caricature the pretentious - providing biting commentary on a wide range of human foibles often in a grotesque carnival-like style.