The "sellout" of the hitherto-independent Huffington Post news website to corporate AOL, has angered many freelance bloggers who were responsible for providing [largely free] content for publication. HuffPo editor Arianna Huffington has been described by American Republican strategist Ed Rollins as domineering & "the most ruthless & ambitious person I'd met in 30 years of national politics". The HuffPo was established in 2005, by Huffington, & "has risen from being a marginal voice in the blogosphere to a prominaent outlet for liberal opinion, & one of the most influential new-media platforms in America" - NZ Herald Sat Feb 12, 2011 This media release from #HUFFPUFF " Arianna Huffington has betrayed us, so let's huff and puff her house down. She built a blog-empire on the backs of thousands of citizen journalists. She exploited our idealism and let us labor under the illusion that the Huffington Post was ...